Common Causes of Collapsed Drains

Drain repair

Few things would cause as much havoc to your property as drains that are not working optimally. These will cause the backup of sewage into your indoors resulting from the most severe form of water damage: grey water damage.

Additionally, non-functioning drains mean you cannot use your sinks, bathrooms or toilets. It can likewise cause a putrid smell in your interiors, which makes it uncomfortable. This will turn away potential clients in commercial establishments and visitors from your home.

Most people assume that all drain issues are caused by a clog and see no need for professional drain repairs for their Coventry property. They will try various store-bought and homemade drain unblocking solutions to no avail. Unfortunately, other than wasting your money, these products might cause further damage to your pipes.

Professional diagnosis of the real cause of the problem with your drain is essential. This is because the slow drains, sewage smell and constant sewage backup might be caused by a drain collapse rather than a blockage. The following are the common reasons why drains collapse.

Tree Root Damage

The roots of the trees growing around your drains will be naturally attracted to the water in your pipes and might encroach the pipes over time. Left unchecked, these roots will eventually cause the collapse of your drains and the leakage of wastewater throughout your property. This is evidenced by a large marshy area that attracts insects.

Wear and Tear


If your pipes are more than ten years old, then general wear is expected depending on the pipe’s material. With the earth’s weight on your weakened drains, collapsing of the pipes is an unfortunate eventuality. The wear and tear of drains generally affect the joints in your pipes, and these are the first to collapse. Prompt diagnosis can save you from costly water damage, as you can replace your drainage before more areas collapse.

Frozen water

The drains are outside your property. When outdoor temperatures fall, the water flowing inside the drains freezes and then thaws. Additionally, the frozen ground around the pipes also goes through cycles of freezing and expansion, which causes it to heave upwards and thaw, which settles it on your pipes. The ground movements and frozen water both contribute to the eventual collapse of your drains. To minimize this risk, plumbers will recommend different types of pipe insulation.

Ground Movement

The site for the installation of your drains should be carefully considered. Installing pipes on unstable slopes puts them at risk of damage from the frequent soil movements. These movements place a heavy load on your drains and cause them to become misaligned or collapse.

Property owners are now careful about what they are flushing down their drains in an attempt to avert drain blockage. Though this is commendable, obstruction is not the only issue that might affect your drains. A collapse of your pipes owing to the above issues can only be diagnosed through an expert camera inspection of your pipes’ interiors.

Every time you notice a problem with your drains, you should call in an expert to diagnose the cause of the problem and intervene appropriately.

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