Arts That Help with Children’s Development

Admittedly, it’s hard to keep kids entertained. With their seemingly endless source of energy, making sure that children don’t act up when the adults need a little peace and quiet is often a hurdle that’s extremely difficult for parents and anyone to overcome.

Fortunately, there’s an alternative to running around with your children until they tire you out: art. One of the better ways to get children to express themselves, it takes little effort for them to get into and even less for you to maintain. So, dust off those paintbrushes and take out those white chalk markers.

Here’s a couple of fun activities for children to enjoy.

Popsicle Stick Art

Arts and crafts are never complete without a pack of popsicle sticks. Versatile, colorful, and easy to work with, these little sticks can be turned into something, given your child’s imagination. You can go with the basics and let them make a popsicle stick house or something more advanced, such as a full on-stick diorama. The point of this activity is to develop your child’s creativity and imagination; it will provide hours of fun for them.

Clay Art

Clay art is always fun for children. The tactile material can be anything they wish and molding and shaping it into fun forms and figures is a sure way to let their inner natural sculptors shine. You can buy clay in a variety of colors, sizes, and scents, so you have something different for each child every time. You need to worry about safety as well, as clay products today are made from non-toxic materials.


Family with paint

If you’re not feeling too much up to the task of creating your own art with your kids, why not have them collect and re-arrange other art. Collages are a great way to introduce kids to different media and subjects that they may not know about. It also helps them become more aware of visual differences. Collages are a great way to get them interested in several ways things can be put together, which is an essential thing to teach children as they grow up.

Paper Crafts

Finally, you have one of the most common materials of all; paper. With so many different types of paper available today, you’re bound to find something that can interest your child. Expose them to the different things that you can create with paper art, such as pop-up books, origami, paper quilling, and cardboard figures. The magic of paper art is that it can literally be anything you want; your creativity and imagination will be the limit.

The best part about all these crafts is that you can always keep samples of them around long after your children are through with them. It’s a good way for them to have a memento of where and what they were doing at that age. As a parent, you’ll get many treasured memories doing these activities together with your children. Like anyone else, you’ll have a lot of fun and you will keep learning every day.

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