Home Décor: Simple Furniture Upgrades

Themed furniture

Furniture pieces are indispensable decorative accents in every well-kept home. They don’t just provide aesthetics, but also add storage or serve other functions. Their constant use, however, speeds up their wear and tear or even cause damage such as cracks, splits, scuffs, stains or discoloration from chemical spillage. To retain their quality and preserve their beauty, it’s a must to adhere to a maintenance care routine. In addition, you can enliven furniture pieces to make them look new again.

Furniture doesn’t come cheap so instead of replacing old or worn items, it’s best to improve the ones you currently have. Below, we’ll provide several low-cost and creative tricks to give your furniture pieces an upgraded look:

Reconnect damaged parts

For metal furniture, you can reattach disassembled parts by welding or reconnecting them with screws. As for the torn cushion, you can use strong adhesives. In the case of wooden furniture, you can nail back the parts, or if you want a less labor-intensive method, you may use wood glue. There are various types of wood glue available in the market, such as polyvinyl acetate (PVA), epoxy resin, superglue, hide glue, and polyurethane. There are also different compositions of expanding wood glue, with most of them being derived from polyurethane material. Expanding wood glue is ideal for woodwork because it provides a strong bond and doesn’t foam or turn into a gummy texture when drying. Because it expands when reacting to air and moisture, it can fill even the smallest voids in wood surfaces.

Use fabric

If you want a simple and fool-proof way to beautify your furniture, simply add some fabric. From thin mats to lavish duvet covers with trimmings, you have plenty of options when it comes to fabric décor. Fabric covers can make your chairs and couches look refined and luxurious. While you’re at it, don’t stop with the couches. Throw some covers on your footstools, dressers, and coffee tables. A festive mantle can also spice up your dining table in an instant.

Attach stick-on mirrors

Mirrors don’t have to be restricted to walls. You can also incorporate them to your furniture by putting some stick-on mirrors to surfaces. Attaching mirrors to closet doors, cabinet walls, or even table surfaces can enhance the lighting in the room where they are placed. Mirrors also provide an illusion of more space. Not only that, but they also give a modern and sleek vibe to your furniture. You can also purchase stick-on mirrors with eye-catching designs and patterns, such as floral accents and geometric shapes, depending on what’s suitable for your furniture and the room they are in.

Repaint surfaces

Re buffed table top

A quick way to freshen the appearance of furniture is doing a new paint job. Pick an appropriate colour and paint material for the specific type of wooden furniture that you’ll repaint. Add protective or chemical-resistant coatings to prevent damage and keep the surfaces smooth. If you’re feeling artistic, you can also incorporate elaborate and intricate designs such as patterns, illustrations, swirls, and stripes.

Furniture pieces often come with shocking price tags. Thus, to avoid hefty costs for replacements, it’s a must to prioritise their upkeep. Moreover, you can enhance your furniture items by doing simple and cost-effective projects.

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