Baby teeth are delicate but essential. In a scenario where the baby teeth fall off before the usual age of five to six, it may affect the lingering teeth, causing them to shift and thereby not allow the adult teeth to grow properly. In addition, tooth decay is quite expensive, is very irritable, and may lead to life-threatening diseases if not quickly eradicated.
Several concerned parents often find it tough to know exactly how much dental care is needed to protect their children’s teeth. These parents are aware of the necessity of cavity protection but are sadly not always knowledgeable about how to use it.
This article will discuss the basic routine you should follow to keep your baby’s teeth healthy. Here are some pointers and guidelines to consider:
Dental Care Before Birth
Just because your kid is not here yet, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your dental health. It is necessary to see a dental surgeon for dental care when you’re pregnant, and it’s perfectly acceptable. Taking good care of your own mouth during pregnancy outweighs certain risks and helps you have a healthy baby.
Dental Care After Birth
It does not matter if you decide to bottle-feed or breastfeed your baby; the same amount of dental care should be given to them.
At zero to twelve months: You should regularly and carefully cleanse your baby’s gums with a washed cloth, this would help preserve the cleanliness of their mouths, and once you notice the very first baby tooth, you should use a baby toothbrush to gently brush that tooth along with a less than pea-sized fluoride toothpaste.
At twelve to thirty-six months: You should brush your infant’s teeth twice a day for about two minutes. You should also put a tiny bit of toothpaste containing fluoride until the baby reaches the age of three. Brushing is best done before bedtime and after breakfast.
Drinking from a Cup
As soon as possible, teach your kid to take a sip from a normal cup, preferably by the age of one year. This is because if they drink from a regular cup, there is less chance of liquid forming around their teeth.
If your kid has to drink from a bottle or baby cup for an extended length of time, simply fill it with water. Only provide water to your youngster if they are thirsty during car journeys.
Limit the Sugar Intake of Your Child

Cut down on your child’s intake of sugary or sticky food such as cookies, candies, fruit roll-ups, or gummies. Sugar can also be found in meals like chips and crackers. These types of foods are particularly harmful if your youngster eats them frequently. They should only be consumed during meals. You should also ensure your child uses their tongue to clean the teeth after a meal.
No Juice for Newborns
Only serve juice at mealtimes or don’t serve it at all. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the juice is not recommended for newborns under six months.
If the juice is given to little ones between the ages of 6 and 12 months, the amount should be limited to four ounces per day and should be mixed with water (half juice, half water). If you are to give your children, who are aged between one and six, you should not give more than four to six ounces each day.
Visit a Pediatric Oral Surgeon
Your children may be at a heightened risk of having dental decay or gum disease if you have had it yourself. In addition, the toughest brushing and flossing can’t always be total protection from cavities.
If a scenario occurs where your child happens to complain of irritation on the teeth or gums, it is always good to visit a dentist. They must have managed to serve many patients over the years.
If you are looking for a good pediatric dental surgeon around your region, you should take a look at or the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s website. With the help of these sites, you can easily find competent oral surgeons who will become your child’s long-term oral health care partners.
Having said that, tooth decay can be easily prevented if you follow the above tips regularly. If you notice any minor signs of decay in your child’s mouth, discuss them with your child’s pediatrician and also consult the oral surgeon if you have any inquiries, which would all be appropriately addressed. The goal is to ensure your child grows with shiny teeth that can smile for a lifetime.