What happens if I stop attending check-ups? Key reasons why dental visits are important

three dentists

In the last year, it has been tough for almost everyone to get their minds off of the epidemic.

And so, while there was an initial lockdown of dental surgeries, more people than ever before have missed their routine dental check-ups. But as surgeries begin to reopen, there is some hesitation from dental patients to get back into the routine of seeing their dental team every 6 months, for fear of contracting and spreading COVID-19.

Are dental check-ups still important during these uncertain times? Of course, they are and in this article, the issues that occur from failing to attend dental check-ups are discussed.

Plaque accumulation

Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, failing to see your dentist in Coorparoo will undoubtedly lead to plaque accumulation.

At a check-up, your dentist near Coorparoo can remove plaque from difficult to reach areas and, should you cease attending check-ups, it will build up and lead to the following list of issues.


When dental surgeries began to re-open after the initial lockdown, many patients had caries or cavities, probably in part due to the lack of dental care.

And while your dentist from Coorparoo will be able to fill in any cavities caused by a delay in dental trips, if left for long enough, that cavity will begin to break down the enamel on your teeth. Then, the discomfort will set in as the bacteria hit the nerve and expose it to the air, leading to a dull ache. At this stage, you need to see your dental team promptly to ensure that the decay doesn’t worsen and to preserve the tooth.

woman's gums

Gum disease

Excess plaque in your mouth leads to a higher incidence of gum disease.

And while it may not sound as bad as a cavity, gum disease has been linked to a myriad of secondary health issues, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and heart attacks. It can also cause your teeth to fall out, leading to an obvious cosmetic problem.

Once again, your dental team will usually be able to treat gum disease (depending on severity) and will be able to remove the offending plaque with a scale and polish. If you have severe gum disease, then they will also be able to prescribe bacteria targeting mouthwash and toothpaste.


If a decayed tooth is left untreated then the next stage is usually an infection.

As the tooth decays, bacteria are given access to the pulp, leading to an infection or abscess. Depending on the severity of the infection and decay, this may be treatable with a root canal.


If your team determines that the infected tooth is too damaged to be restored, then extraction is the only option.

Remember, dental extraction is not without risk and can cause secondary infections at the extraction site along with other issues such as surrounding teeth moving and once again, plaque accumulation in the gap.

As you can see, it is very important to keep up with dental check-ups!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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