Self-Care and Entertainment Products to Make You and Your Family Healthier and Closer


Many people realized that their abodes lacked so many things during the lockdown. So they raided online stores like Amazon to hoard products they never knew they needed, from boxes of toilet paper to baking equipment. And now that the COVID-19 virus has developed a new strain, we’d likely stay home-bound for a few more months until the vaccines finally do their magic.

That means work-from-home, online school, and social distancing protocols will stay for a good part of 2021. At this point, you may think you’re complete on essentials already, but as you walk through this list, you may rush to add items to your cart again.

Without further ado, here are some self-care and entertainment products that will make your extended quarantine more fun:

1. Home Office Equipment

If you’re still working on your dining table, hoping that you will return to the office in two weeks, it’s time to accept that you might be working from home permanently now. So, create a proper workspace by purchasing a sturdy office desk and an ergonomic office chair. This home office setup will also be useful if you or one of your kids decide to start a business one day.

2. All-season Fan and Space Heater Combo

You can feel the effects of the changing seasons more when you’re holed up at home. As such, you’ve probably noticed that some areas of your abode are drafty, while some are musty. Thankfully, you no longer need two separate devices to take care of that. Just get an all-season fan and space heater combo, and you can make any room feel cozy no matter the time of the year.

3. Aromatherapy

You don’t need a meditation corner or a bathtub to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. You can simply turn on an essential oil diffuser, and feel relaxed wherever you are at home, or whatever you are doing. Some scents even help in boosting productivity or creativity, so you can use them while working or studying.

However, many essential oils are toxic to pets, so if you have a furbaby, use soothing scented candles instead. They provide the same benefits as essential oils minus the risks. Plus, candles are lovely enough to serve as home decor too. They can be your statement fall or winter decoration.

4. Exercise Equipment

If you’re one of many people who decided to get fit during the lockdown, maintain your consistency this year. Motivate yourself more by buying exercise equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, medicine balls, jump ropes, etc. When your home feels like the gym, you’d feel inspired to take your home workouts up a notch and challenge yourself.

working out

5. Books

Instead of scrolling your feeds all day, or letting your kid play with your phone or tablet to keep them busy, read books. If you have no storage for it, pick ebooks or audiobooks. Even if you don’t usually read to ease your boredom, you will never regret giving a good book a chance. In fact, everyone should read to increase their brain power, boost their imagination, and relax their mind. Yes, it’s totally fine to read just to make yourself sleepy.

Reading books to your kids also helps them grow up smarter. Consider setting a schedule every night for storytelling, including the rest of your family. It will allow you to spend time together while actually interacting with each other, not merely staring at a screen.

6. Origami Kit

Another entertainment product for the whole family, an origami kit will also give your eyes a rest from electronics. Making interesting shapes can boost your child’s creativity, and improve their motor skills. As for you, origami-making can be a relaxing activity after a whole day of working and performing chores.

7. Espresso Maker

This is a bit of a splurge, but an espresso maker will make your mornings more exciting, and your coffee tastier. A typical espresso maker can produce eight coffee types, including flat white, Americano, and of course, espresso. You and your kids — especially if they’re teenagers — will adore this machine and play barista as you make different brews for your family. But the best thing about an espresso maker is that it’ll keep you away from buying expensive coffee shop drinks, which quickly drain out your savings.

8. Playing Cards

Who says a classic deck of cards is only for casino games? In the early 2000s, children and teens often entertained themselves with card games and magic. Savor nostalgia by introducing your young kids to playing cards, and watch them unleash their competitive streaks!

Before the pandemic, these things will probably stay in your storage boxes, untouched and unloved. But now that we’re staying at home longer than ever, we started to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of at-home entertainment and family bonding. Let’s not take our time together for granted, and let’s make the most out of the remaining months of our home-bound life.

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