7 Family Activities That Will Get You Moving

family bonding

Getting your loved ones out and active might be challenging, but it’s worth it. There are so many benefits to being physically fit as a family! Try incorporating these seven activities into your routine – they’re way more fun than just going for a run.

Go for a Walk or a Bike Ride Together

One of the easiest ways to get some exercise is to go for a walk or a bike ride together. These are great ways to explore your neighborhood and spend time together as a family. Plus, it’s low-impact and suitable for all fitness levels. Research shows that walking or cycling can improve your abs and legs and increase your heart rate. In addition to these physical benefits, mental well-being is improved, too–cycle or walk your way to a better mood today!

These activities are also a great way to contribute to the environment. If you can, leave the car at home and walk or ride your bikes to nearby destinations instead. Not only will you get some exercise, but you’ll also be helping to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion.

Play Tag or Hide-and-Seek

These classic childhood games are not only fun, but they’re also great exercises. The tag requires quick reflexes and lots of running, while hide-and-seek gets everyone up and moving as they search for one another. As parents, you can get involved, too! Not only will you be spending quality time with your kids, but you’ll also be getting a good workout.

Both of these games are also perfect for both indoor and outdoor play. If it’s nice outside, take advantage of the good weather and play in your backyard or nearby park. If it’s raining or too cold to go outside, the tag can be played indoors–ensure you have enough space.

Have a Family Dance Party

Dancing is a great workout, and it’s even more fun when you do it with your loved ones. Put on some music and let loose! You can make up your dances or learn popular choreography from your favorite music videos. Your kids, especially if you have teens, may feel embarrassed, but they’ll have fun once they start dancing.

Try to make it fun by incorporating props, like ribbons or hula-hoops. You can also take turns being the DJ so that everyone gets a chance to choose the music. If you have younger kids, make dances together–they’ll love seeing Mom and Dad acting silly.

Go Swimming or Enjoy Other Water Activities

Swimming is excellent exercise, but it’s also just plain fun. If you don’t have one at home, look for a local pool or beach that the whole family can enjoy. Swimming offers numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. It’s also a low-impact activity, so it’s easy on the joints.

If you don’t know how to swim, or if your kids are too young, there are plenty of water activities that everyone can enjoy. Other water activities include splashing around, playing Marco Polo, or even floating on rafts. If you don’t have access to a pool, you can always play in sprinklers or hose water at one another in the backyard.

Young father teaching his little son to swim in an indoor swimming pool. Active happy kid boy wearing safe swimmies.

Make Exercise Fun Again

Remember when you were a kid, and you used to run around just for the sake of it? It’s time to bring back that feeling! Instead of going for a traditional run, try playing tag, having a water balloon fight, or playing catch. You can even turn everyday activities into exercises, like walking the dog, doing yard work, or even doing household chores by dancing as you clean.

If you have a child with scoliosis, try incorporating exercises for scoliosis for the whole family so that your little one doesn’t feel left out. Just because you’re exercising doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Get the whole family involved and make fitness a part of your daily routine.

Take the Dog for a Walk (or Wash the Car)

Walking the dog is not only a great way to exercise but also an opportunity to bond with your furry friend. If you don’t have a dog, no worries—you can always wash the car or clean up the yard together as alternative ways to get moving outdoors.

Try incorporating fun activities into your walks, like playing fetch or racing each other. If you have younger kids, they can ride their bikes or scooters while you walk the dog. This is also great for your dog to socialize and burn off some energy.

Play Catch, Frisbee, or Other Sports Games Together

Whether you’re shooting hoops in the driveway or playing catch in the park, playing sports is a great way to get some exercise while spending quality time together as a family. And if you have little ones who aren’t quite ready for organized sports yet, there are plenty of other options like hopscotch, jump rope, and hula hooping that are sure to get them moving.

These activities are great at home, but they’re also perfect for picnics and days at the beach. If you want to make it a little more competitive, keep score or set up teams. You can also ask your neighbors to join in on the fun. This is also a great way to influence other families to live healthier lifestyles.

Get Everyone Moving!

It’s no secret that being physically active is essential for people of all ages. Still, finding ways to fit it into our schedules cannot be easy. The good news is many family activities are both fun and beneficial for your health. So next time you’re looking for something to do together as a family, try one of these seven suggestions and get everyone moving!

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