Dental implants, providing stability to the everyday smile


The impact of tooth loss

Whether through accidental damage or years of an insufficient oral hygiene regime, tooth loss can impact not only the physical appearance, but also the self-esteem and confidence of an individual. Losing confidence in your own smile can encourage you to hide away and avoid social gatherings in fear or embarrassment. Whilst to some this may seem over dramatic, the impact of tooth loss, if left untreated, can be severe and further tooth loss and a loss of facial definition can occur leading to a toothless and sunken appearance.

Luckily for those who have lost a tooth or multiple teeth there are a variety of options available to restore their smile including a tooth implant.

What are dental implants Melbourne?

This particular implant is essentially a small titanium screw that is inserted into the patient’s jawbone to provide a secure and stable post for the replenished or restored tooth. By having this screw inserted into the bone, the surrounding bone regenerates around the post, locking it into place using the natural body. Once healed a crown or even bridge can be attached to the post securing it firmly in place. Adjustments to a patient’s diet are not required and whilst in the past there have been fears over dentures falling out during an important event, the tooth implant acts as a secure base similar to the root of a natural tooth.


How many appointments are required for this procedure?

The number of appointments needed for a dental implant can vary from patient to patient. For those with excellent bone structure and minimal damage it is possible to walk into the practice for one appointment and leave with a new smile, this is referred to as same day teeth. However, whilst this is possible for many patients, for those with insufficient bone structure or other potential dental problems, such as gum disease, further treatments may be needed beforehand or significant healing time may be required before the process is completed. In the majority of cases only one or two appointments are required at most, but rest assured the dental practice will always discuss this with the patient before the procedure takes place.

How long do they last?

Dental implants can normally last up to 10 years or even longer if a high standard of oral hygiene is carried out on a daily basis. Similarly to your natural teeth the length of time the implant can last depends entirely on the patient’s commitment to their smile and therefore whilst no special diet is required, keeping on top of the daily clean is of the utmost importance to ensure the longevity of the treatment. During your regular six monthly dental appointments these will be checked along with your natural teeth, so rest assured your dental team will advise of any changes that may need to happen within your cleaning process.

Patients who end up having implantation treatment find that they sometimes have difficulty in remembering which of their teeth is in fact the prosthetic. The affixed crown will be colour, shape and size matched to their original teeth and the resulting sturdiness of the replacement all contribute to this.

Disclaimer: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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