Get your dental website seen and taken notice of with a marketing company

dental operation

For a dental practice, there is a lot of competition around and making sure that your website can be seen by patients on Google’s results page is a challenge. If you have created a beautiful website, it can be soul destroying to discover that after it has gone live, only you and your closest friends have clicked on it (20 times, just to be sure it’s still there!). The fact is, getting businesses to the top of a Google search results page is big business in the marketing world and dental SEO (search engine optimisation) is an exhaustive job. It requires constant monitoring of popular keywords searched for using Google Analytics and the content of websites and related blog articles then need to be edited and updated accordingly. This is a lot of work that is probably unachievable for most dental practices – that’s why many are turning to marketing companies for help.

The website

When people land on your page, they can leave within seconds if they don’t see what they need to know immediately. The message of what you are about needs to instantly speak to a target audience that you have decided with your marketing team that you want to reach. If the website’s landing page makes this clear, then you could find that people will stay to discover more. A 7Ps approach is adopted by some marketing companies, where they ensure that you profile yourself clearly, you’ve shown the people who work at the practice (looking happy and professional to put people at ease). You also show the premises and how inviting they look, rather than a clinical and cold place with instruments of supposed torture looming, and that you are transparent about your prices. You should also have promises of the great customer service that patients can expect, when they come to see you, as well as seeing proof of the treatment and patient satisfaction. Quotes from patients and pictures or interactive smile photos can always win potential patients over as proof of exemplary care and treatment. Finally, your website should also detail the products, the services that you offer at your practice. With all of this in place, you should have people converting into patients thanks to the help of your marketing team.

Bespoke service

There is little point creating a free website yourself, if this is what you have been thinking. These websites do not function on the level that bespoke ones do. If you have a freebie, chances are many other dental practices do too and yours won’t stand out from the crowd of similar free ones. A custom-designed one is more unique and likely to attract positive attention for your practice, getting the patient conversions that you are hoping to achieve.

marketing plan

Seek support

So, if you are serious about growing your business and treating more patients, it may be time to start thinking seriously about how you are going to achieve that. With the support of a dental marketing company, you could get the results you are hoping for and the dominance in the search engine lists that you crave. Find your marketing team and get them working to bring you the attention you deserve.

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