Give Your Home a Whole New Look by Updating these Furnishings

modern stylish interior

Thinking about modernizing your home but you’re working under a budget? Major home renovations don’t come cheap, and if you’re looking to update your home style, you may consider having these furnishings updated instead to modernize your decor.

In Utah, window replacement, paint jobs, and changing up your lighting fixtures may be the easiest ways to spruce up your home just in time for spring.

Replace Your Windows

Do you still have outdated windows that go back as far as the 90s? If upcycling your window treatments no longer work (i.e., simply buying new curtains or having new blinds installed), then maybe it’s time to replace your windows.

Not only will this update the look of your living space, but it could also help you save on cost for leaks, possible breakages, and other problematic issues in the long run. Newer windows may also have a sturdier glass and can give you an option to repainting the frame to help refresh the look of your home.

If you’re still donning the classic arched window, perhaps it’s time to get rid of that and opt for a simple floor-to-ceiling or rectangular version instead. That way, you can easily update it with different curtains throughout the year (or even keep it bare to allow natural light to flow inside), which you can change season after season.

Add (or Remove!) Some Color

Probably the easiest and most affordable spring refresh is switching up the color of your walls. Now that spring is right around the corner, and darker walls can be repainted with light, airy hues to welcome the season of new beginnings. Pastels are very trendy, and the classic white wall never goes out of style.

If anything, a basic wall helps you go big with accessorizing banquettes, corner tables, or your living room couch instead. The best part? You can easily go over to your hardware store and have fun choosing new paint colors for your home.

This could also be a family activity where each member can select a new theme for their room and help out with the paint job while they’re at it.

Switch up your Lighting Fixtures

contemporary white kitchen renovation

Lastly, lighting is a huge factor in changing the ambience both indoors and out. If you’ve been using white lights, opt for yellow bulbs to create a homier feel. You don’t even need to break the bank and immediately buy new lamps for your rooms.

You could switch the lamps within rooms just to see how it could change the ambience. A little feng shui won’t hurt and simply rearranging lighting fixtures and lamps can make a big difference. Edison light bulbs are also a great addition to your backyard or your patio for cozy night gatherings with family and friends.

If you’re looking for a drastic change, you can hire an electrician to install ceiling lights that have adjustable settings. Whatever you decide, lighting plays a significant part in updating your home without having to break walls or tear down an entire house to build from the ground up.

Before you decide to hire an interior decorator to redo your entire home, consider these ideas first to update your home in no time. Sometimes, it’s only a matter of moving some furniture around, adding some color to your walls, or replacing your windows to spruce up your home in time for spring.

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