Hello, Straight Talker! Invisalign is where it’s at!

man sitting at the dentist's chair smiling looking back

For people with misaligned teeth, it can affect their self-esteem and confidence. Smiling for the camera can be like living a nightmare and asking friends to point their camera phones in the opposite direction is normally misinterpreted as a selfie opportunity. For adults, in particular, trying to get teeth realigned can feel like an impossible dream; nobody wants to wear fixed metal braces and when you’re an adult, it can feel like something you should have gone through in high school, not when you’re in the office asking Donna to arrange a meeting with Dave, and dining out with Sandra for a working lunch to talk about a business merger – guess what she would be focusing on during those negotiations!

Thankfully, there is another way for anybody with their adult teeth: Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign, as the name suggests, is an almost invisible way of realigning your teeth. It consists of clear plastic aligners that are made to fit your mouth bespoke and, when worn, are barely noticeable to other people as only your teeth show through the clear plastic. They apply gentle pressure to your teeth to gradually move them into the desired position. They are completely removable, so you don’t have to wear them when you are eating and drinking (Sandra can stare at your 12oz steak instead).

Why choose Invisalign?

One of the main reasons patients opt for Invisalign is because of the flexibility it offers. You only have to wear them on average for 22 hours a day, which leaves you plenty of time to remove them when eating and drinking, brushing and flossing and doing other things such as playing sports. The benefits of this are that you can maintain a good standard of oral hygiene and you don’t have to worry about damaging the aligners when you’re playing squash. In fact, the aligners are pretty difficult to break, which also means there is far less chance of you requiring an emergency dental appointment than if you were using traditional fixed, wire and metal braces. The aligners should also be very comfortable to wear when you do have them in your mouth because they are made to measure for your mouth using iTero scanning technology. The aligners should therefore fit snugly on the gum line. What’s more, the scan can also provide you with a 3D animation of how your teeth should look after treatment. Result!

man talking to dentist smiling

Am I eligible for the treatment?

The best way to find out if you can have Invisalign is to visit your dentist for a consultation, where the appropriate x-rays and scans may be carried out to determine if you can have Invisalign. Invisalign is used to treat crossbite, over and underbites, gapped teeth and crowded teeth. If Invisalign isn’t right for you, your dentist will be able to advise another course of treatment and there are other discreet options available.

So, if you feel like making a deal with yourself to get the best smile possible and forget your inhibitions, why not contact your dentist and see if Invisalign could be the answer for you? There’s no time like the present to make a change and give yourself a reason to feel upbeat and even better about yourself.

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