How to Manage Depression if You Suffer from Hypothyroidism

woman suffering from depression

Feeling generally low, fatigued, and depressed are extremely common in people with hypothyroidism. When most individuals are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, they usually feel relieved knowing that their depressive mood is due to their disease. However, it could take a couple of weeks or months to figure out the proper dosage of medicine so you cannot expect your mood to change instantly.

Recovery is not going to happen overnight and during the early stages of your treatment, and you will probably feel the same. However, there is no reason for you to just mope about your thyroid problems in your home in Las Vegas and wait for your medicine to kick in. Below are some expert tips to get a better handle on the many emotions hypothyroidism could cause:

Go to therapy

Talking to a therapist could help you understand your roller coaster of emotions as you recover. They can teach you how you can work through the issue you are going through and help you set goals to resolve your issues. Telling someone about your worries is much better than bottling them up, thinking that they will pass because chances are, they will not.

Reduce your stress level

Dealing with chronic disease could be extremely stressful and frustrating even if your condition is manageable. The easiest way to manage your stress level is to do something that you enjoy. This could be something as simple as reading books, going for a walk, going to dinner with family or friends, or binge-watching your favorite series.

Get ample sleep

As hypothyroidism slows down your body functions, most notably your metabolism, it could be more difficult for you to sleep soundly and wake up refreshed. Try to stick to a stringent sleep schedule. Consider winding down an hour or so before your scheduled bedtime and turn off your music, TV, or device to signal to your body that it is time to rest.

Eat a healthy diet

The right food will give your body fuel that it requires to function properly. As hypothyroidism significantly slows down your metabolism, you need foods rich in healthy fats, whole grains, veggies, and fruits. Eating healthy food will help give you the energy you need to keep your weight, emotions, and stress levels in check.

Exercise regularly

people running at the treadmill

Sweating and moving regularly could help regulate your sluggish metabolism and help eliminate the extra pounds you have packed on due to your condition. As a bonus, exercising triggers the release of natural feel-good hormones that could help with your mood.

Do not withdraw from friends and family

Even when you feel sluggish and low, try to go out with friends and family. Even a movie or dinner date will do. Spending time with loved ones and doing stuff you love could be excellent mood lifters.

Yes, it is a known fact that hypothyroidism could make you feel down and depressed. However, you do not necessarily have to wallow in sadness as you wait for your treatment to have a significant effect on your mood and other symptoms.

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