Keeping Watch of Your Family’s Health: Safety Precautions You Need at Home

family's health

As hopeless as it all seems, there’s nothing permanent in this world and that includes all the negatives and the bad events that have occurred in recent months. With that said, the COVID-19 pandemic will end and everything will be back to normal, but more people would be wary and more concerned and careful towards their health and those that they love — and that would never be the same. It’s a good thing to be careful and prepared since the pandemic took everyone by surprise.

There would be times when every member of the family would be present to care for each member, especially if their sick, and there would be a moment in which it would be time and appropriate to seek help and an extra hand, like getting help from home health agencies just to be certain under the supervision of professionals, but until then here are a few precautions you can take within your home to keep your family healthy:

Do Health Checks For Each Member

Now more than ever, people are brought closer together (quite literally) by the pandemic due to strict lockdowns being implemented by some nations. It’s important to check on each member by regularly checking their temperatures — at least twice a day. Even if it’s strictly advised for people to stay at home — which really everyone should — there would be times where it would be necessary to go out, for groceries or sometimes or even for work. It’s important to be keen because the virus could still be present no matter how long or (short amount of time) you stayed in a public place.

Make Use of Sanitizers and Alcohol Regularly

This is a habit that has been recommended by experts even before the pandemic struck out, to make sure that the body is free of germs that could potentially cause diseases. It’s not only important to use alcohol, but to make sure it’s accessible for everyone in the house without a problem. You may make use of unused spray bottles to put the alcohol in and make it easier for the members to use them. Depending on the concentrations — ranging from 60 to 90 — alcohol can eliminate germs effectively when applied to the hands for at least 25 to 30 seconds.

Change Sets of Clothes

fresh clothes

This is important and timely for the current crisis, and is advisable for people who had just gone out of the house. A study revealed that grocery store workers face a higher risk of COVID-19 infection from a test done on 104 workers at a store in Boston, Massachusetts. Out of the 104 workers, 21 were found to test positive on COVID-19 which was at about 20 percent – higher than the widespread presence of the virus at the time, at 0.9% to 1.3%. So, it’s important to only go out when it’s extremely necessary, and then prepare a change of clothing when you get home and then take a shower.

Make Sure Quality of Air is Clean

Dust particles could cause serious health issues for the members of the family living together, so clean your filters regularly to keep them safe from other diseases – especially if you have members who have respiratory issues like asthma. It could also help to let the natural airflow in the house, by opening your windows and let the fresh air in once in a while.

Wear a Mask

There would be a time where the world would be COVID-free again, and in order to make that happen sooner, make sure to do your part and wear masks in public places and do social distance. Masks are uncomfortable to wear for anyone, but this little sacrifice on your half could contribute to an even bigger solution that could end the crisis altogether. Until it is completely safe to go outside, wear a mask!

People would never take their health for granted again and the precautions needed even after this pandemic has ended, and this is a great lesson that humanity would need to apply in the future.

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