Learning How to Play Music: Why It’s Easy and How to Do It

playing guitar concept

If you have the urge to create music or play an instrument but never had the chance to pursue it or you’ve quit before you got any good, don’t worry. That’s because learning music is easy and anyone can do it no matter their age. So, if you’ve been meaning to take those drum or guitar lessons — there’s no better time to start than now.

Still not convinced? Here are eight reasons why it’s not hard to learn how to play music.

You Can Focus On The Music You Like

The best part about learning how to play music is that you can focus on a genre or instrument you already like, making it easier for you to learn and stay motivated. Plus, it’s undoubtedly more fun! So, make sure to start your journey with what you love the most, whether it’s playing classical music through the piano or playing funky pop tunes on your bass guitar.

You Can Set Your Own Goals

When learning how to play music, you don’t need to reach certain levels to please others, and you can progress following your unique goals, making the whole process a lot easier. Setting realistic goals for what you want to learn and how much time you can spend practicing helps you keep focused and better digest your practice sessions. That’s why determine for what purpose you’re learning how to play music. Just make sure that it’s realistic and achievable to make some actual progress.

All You Need Is Practice

An excellent aspect of learning music is that you don’t need to be book smart or strain yourself from perfecting something; all you need is practice. Setting a practice schedule can help you keep up with your learning, making the whole session relatively easier. The best part is, unlike other hobbies, these ‘sessions’ don’t need to be too long, and even 30 minutes will suffice. You can even cut the 30-minute sessions into shorter sets, like for 10 to 12 minutes thrice a day, allowing you to absorb more of your findings better.

You Can Go At Your Own Pace

woman holding a fender telecaster guitar

Learning how to play music is relatively easy as it allows you to go at your own pace, meaning you don’t need to trouble yourself by going through lengthy sessions and practice by ‘chunks’ instead. Chunking allows you to make your sessions more digestible, helping you learn better and consistently.

You Can Use a Metronome to Make It Easier For You

You can make any of your music practice sessions easier by using a metronome. This simple tool can help you polish your timing, helping you determine if you’re not slowing down and speeding up your tempo during the right times, allowing you to polish up your skills with minimal effort.

You Can Continuously Assess Yourself

A great thing about learning how to play music is that you can continuously and immediately assess yourself by recording each practice session you have. It lets you playback and sees any flaws you may have more clearly since it can be challenging to focus on each aspect of the performance when playing. Because of this continuous and instant self-assessment, you get to hear the tiniest errors, from tempo changes to finger flubs, it lets you learn on the go.

Simply Listening to Music Can Help You Improve

Listening to music alone can be a valuable and informative experience, helping you polish your music-playing skills. This fact is made possible as listening to music can decrease your stress hormone levels, helping you calm down and relax, allowing you to learn and recall information better. That said, listening to music can go a long way when learning how to play music.

Polish Your Skills From One Performance to Another

A great thing about music is that the more you perform, the more you learn, allowing you to hone your skills from one performance after the other, giving you a fun way to learn and grow as a musician. Remember that although aiming to perfect each performance is ideal, note-perfect live performances aren’t as common as you’d think.

That’s why learning to accept your inconsistencies is a crucial part of learning how to ‘play’ music since, in performances, you can’t stop and start as you please — you need to learn how to play through your mistakes.

Besides being fun, learning how to play music through any means can provide you with an array of benefits, ranging from improving memory to muscle coordination. The best part is, it’s easy to learn and the reasons mentioned only back this up, helping you learn music, no matter your age.

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