Mental Health in the Workplace: How Employers Can Promote It

person at ease at work

The self-care industry has been one of the most progressive industries in recent years. People have started taking better care of themselves. Both men and women have become more conscious about their overall health. We are constantly bombarded by different self-care product and service ads—skin care, hair care, gyms, yoga, meditation centers, sports gear, and even life coaches. 

However, one aspect of self-care that is extremely important is mental health and emotional well-being.

Mental health awareness has significantly risen this past decade. A lot more people are now aware of how serious it is and how damaging mental health illness can be. 

Mental Health at the Workplace

One of the top stressors for those suffering from mental illnesses, such as a panic attack, anxiety, and depression, is work. Different things cause stress in people. It can be as simple as enduring the commute to work or as complicated as a harassment case.

Each worker has a different struggle to deal with. Everyone has a story to tell. Maybe a single mother is struggling financially and is not getting the child support she needs. Perhaps an employee is dealing with rejection and uses alcohol and drugs to cope. 

All of their personal problems and workplace challenges are enough to make anyone crack under pressure. These can demotivate an employee, which significantly affects their output or drive a person crazy enough to inflict self-harm. 

Why Employers Should Pay Attention to Mental Health Issues at Work

Given how serious mental health issues are, companies and businesses should pay close attention to their employees’ mental health. Other than preserving their workers’ well-being, companies also benefit in the following ways:

1. Improved Employee Output and Overall Company Performance

When a person is struggling with some personal issues that trigger particular mental health concerns, that person is incapable of functioning properly at work. They always seem distracted and disconnected, physically present but mentally elsewhere. This happens to any company or business, whether you’re working in a government institution, selling custom Roman shades for windows, or offering mobile automotive repair services.

As employers and managers start paying attention to their employees’ mental health, they communicate that each worker is valued as a person and not just a means to an end. This display of compassion increases worker confidence and satisfaction, which results in a motivated and inspired workforce. 

2. Minimal Absenteeism

With a healthy mind comes a healthy body. People with emotional or mental baggage are more inclined to call in sick when they’re too depressed to do anything, including getting out of bed.  

3. Healthier Interpersonal Relationships

Whenever the higher-ups show a genuine interest and concern for their workers’ welfare, the level of confidence and trust in the leadership increases. Employees who feel valued by their bosses also tend to be more compassionate and caring for those around them. This creates a safe and secure workplace where everyone is not threatened by any form of relational toxicity or hostility. 

How Can Companies Create a Healthy Workplace?

Given the great benefits of companies being mindful of employees’ mental health, here are a few ways that they can create a healthier workplace where people will thrive in: 

1. Promote Mental Wellness 

Mental health issues should not be something to be ashamed of. It should be normalized that people can talk freely about it without fear of judgment or prejudice. Employers and managers should be the primary advocates of mental wellness in the workplace. Provide avenues for people to gain access to information and resources that promote mental health. 

2. Do Away With Office Politics

Leave politics out of the workplace. All the conspiring and conniving and politicking does not make for a healthy environment. They cause unnecessary stress, which leads to insecurities, uncertainties, unrest, and resentment.

3. Give Everyone Fair Treatment

One of the ugly things about office politics is how it favors specific individuals over others. Where favoritism is present, insecurity and envy are also present. And these two can be quite destructive to the workplace as they can be the root of controversies and other unnecessary and unwanted elements that disrupt operations. Always give employees proper compensation and recognition for the things they do and be objective about it. Don’t play favorites.

4. Encourage a Healthy Work-life Balance

Employers need to ensure that their workers have a healthy work-life balance to prevent workers from getting burned out. Respect their privacy and time with their families. Encourage them to work hard during working hours and play hard when they’re off their shifts. 

5. Be Kind

Even before COVID-19 hit, everyone was facing challenges that we knew nothing about. The pandemic only amplified it and somehow made things worse. It won’t hurt employers and leaders to show some compassion and extend kindness to workers.

Creating a workplace where people are secure and taken care of benefits the workers and the company. Happy workers are productive workers. And any company that has a healthy and thriving workforce will surely be the envy of other businesses and establishments. 



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