Most Common Plumbing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

There are a lot of things you can do on your own to an extent – and due to common mistakes usually done, one of them is definitely not plumbing. Not unless you have the right tools and know different types of pipes, fittings and valves.

However, despite having the right tools, people still have a few misconceptions when it comes to plumbing and other drainage issues, so to make use of your tools, take a look at these common mistakes usually done by DIYers:

Not Enough Plumbing Space

Your drainage pipes need extra space. Always make sure the space is enough for the pipe system to function – especially when you have additional modifications like cupboards. This way, you would have direct and quick access in clearing out pipes that get clogged.

Drain Clogging Due to Waste

woman clogging the drainIt’s important to remember that your sink’s drain is made for liquids only and not oil, grease, and other food wastes. No matter how big or small, there shouldn’t be any substance that would go down the drain apart from liquids because it causes clogs.

For dirt and other wastes, use a different bin to dispose of all of them so it wouldn’t go down the drain and ruin the pipes. Regular drain cleaning in your Salt Lake City home could prevent clogs as well and putting in something to catch them before they make it to the drain.

Using Too Much Force on Fixing Valves

There is a tendency for shut off valves of sinks and toilet to seize when left alone for a long time. There’s also a great chance that you wouldn’t be able to turn the knob simply by hand, but putting in more force and muscle wouldn’t get it fixed either.

In fact, there’s a huge chance that the knob might get broken as well as the valve stem. The solution to this problem is by using a wrench just enough to loosen the stem so you would be able to turn the knob by hand –and afterwards, make sure there isn’t any leak.

Keeping the Water On

When a pipe bursts out and breaks, the water would continue to flow and would cause flooding so you would need to turn it off. During emergencies, shut off the valve of the primary source of water as well as sinks and showers.

The next appropriate thing to do is to call a plumber to avoid adding unnecessary problem. Another common mistake for most DIYers is also not turning the water valve when swapping a new one, like faucets. Shut off the primary source of water supply to avoid the risk of flooding in the area.

Putting the Parts Back Together Again

It is highly recommended for you to take a picture of the pipes first before you start fixing any plumbing issues on your own. Most of the problems occur and persist even more when it’s time reassemble the items.

When removing pieces, you can take pictures at every angle to make sure you fully remember how they are put in the first place to avoid having any more problems.

If there are any issues with your plumbing, make sure that you are fully equipped with the right tools before doing anything to make sure the problem doesn’t worsen!

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