Offering a Helping Hand: Ways to Help During the Pandemic

wearing a mask outside

As of December 2020, it has been a year since the coronavirus has struck the world. The pandemic came to us on a whim. We weren’t ready for it. A lot of people suffered and lost their lives during the pandemic.

The world went into a total shut down. The hospitals are now filled with people calling in an emergency. Doctors and nurses are working 24-hours a day to accommodate every patient. Facilities are running out of supply and the medical team is getting sick too.

Low Supply

We are running out of supply of surgical masks, medications, vitamins, and other things needed to support the patients. People are also running out of food in their homes.

Supermarkets are running low on stocks. People are now fighting over the remaining goods. It has become a wild world ever since the pandemic started. Since people are obliged to stay at home, factories are now closing down.

Because of this, it is impossible to re-stock the food and other supplies. Without operating these factories, the supply will continue to decrease and people are getting more desperate.

High Demand

Demanding food and supply has become one of the main reasons why most people cause riots in the capital. People are losing their jobs because of the necessary cut-offs of staff in some businesses to abide by the social distancing protocol.

People demand food, healthcare, jobs, and assurance. Assurance that this pandemic must end and that people can go back to their daily lives.

But since the pandemic has been going on until now, that is enough time to say that this situation might not end earlier than we thought. That we might still endure it a little longer.

In times like this, a helping hand from the people of the community is much appreciated. Here are three ways you can offer help during the pandemic:

1. Volunteer Work

You can volunteer to offer a helping hand in some organizations. You will help families that are incapable of sustaining themselves by giving them food and medicine packages.

Volunteer as one of the staff members of any associations that are fighting for the well-being of humanity. This is one of the biggest help that you can offer since you are bringing a positive outcome to the current situation.

A lot of services are asking for volunteers and you can find them online. All you have to do is register and you are now a part of their organization. You must also do it wholeheartedly and with passion. Because that is what volunteering is about.

2. Opening a Charity


If you can’t go out of your home or you prefer to stay inside but you still want to offer help, you can open your own charity. A lot of people are doing it these days by starting a fundraiser. Events and activities like live-streaming, drawing, online selling, and other activities are made for a cause.

The money that they can get from this fund-raising event will be given to a charity that will help people during this pandemic. Through this, you are helping the world in the comforts of your home.

3. Being in the Front Line

One of the main jobs in this situation is being a front-liner. Although a lot of people say that doctors and nurses are the only front liners in this situation, there is more to that. Soldiers, government officials, and even janitors in our hospitals and buildings are front liners too.

They are the heroes of this pandemic. They are working even in a place where exposure to the virus is high. Some of them even get sick, but they’re fighting for it. They are fighting for the sake of humanity by doing their duties in return for our safety.

You can be a hero too. You can save others’ life too. A lot of training is available these days for the civilians that are willing to be a front liner during this pandemic.

Educational training, volunteer’s summit, and even CNA training and many others are offered these days. Through this, you are gearing yourself up for the opportunity to help people.

We must think of the well-being of our people and do what is best for them. By doing so, we are not only helping other people, but we are securing our family’s safety as well.

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