Practical Guidelines for New Puppy Parents

pet and owner

Raising a puppy is an experience that’s both fun and rewarding. Apart from helping ease feelings of loneliness, it can reduce stress and anxiety. It can also be nerve-racking at times, though. That’s especially true if you’re a new pet owner. To ensure you and your pup get off to a good start, here are some tips that you might want to remember.

Be Committed

Dogs, regardless of age, need attention. They tend to get bored when they’re not having enough exercise and mental stimulation. So, make sure you have the time and energy to attend to your puppy and meet its needs. Spend at least 1-2 hours each day on giving your pet your dedicated attention, which can be in the form of walks, playtime, or training activities.

Prepare Your Budget

Dog ownership can be costly since you will need to spend on meals, supplies, and visits to the vet. If you’re planning on having your pup undergo professional dog training in Long Beach, that’s another cost to consider.

To be sure you have enough money to spend on your puppy, estimate the amount you think you’ll spend on essential items. Once you have them figure out, include them as fixed expenses in your monthly budget.

Invest in Quality Dog Food

dog's meal time

Dogs’ nutritional needs vary at different points in their lives. So, make sure to look for a food product that’s specially formulated for your puppy’s age, size, and activity level.

Please don’t hold back on spending when it comes to dog food. Cheap dog chows generally lack proper nutrients and contain fillers and sugars. Consuming them will only make your pet feel the need to eat more to satisfy its growing body’s nutritional needs. Worse, they can also cause upset stomach, constipation, or diarrhea.

Set a Feeding Schedule

Your puppy’s feeding times should include three measured meals each day. The best time for the first meal of the day is around 7:00 AM, while the last one can be given around 5:00 PM. That will give your pet enough time to digest the food before bedtime.

Be sure to stick to the meal plan until your puppy reaches 14-18 weeks old. By that time, you can change the plan to two meals a day (or depending on your vet’s recommendation).

Visit Your Local Vet

There’d be moments when your puppy will seem to act strange or show signs of not feeling well. In such instances, you will need a veterinarian’s help.

But even if your pet is feeling well, you’ll need to schedule regular vet visits. You’ll have to bring your pup in for vaccines every 3-4 weeks until it’s 16 weeks old. The vet will also examine your little one to make sure it’s growing well and doesn’t have any signs of illness.

As a first-time pet parent, keep in mind that your responsibilities to your puppy go beyond belly rubs and tasty treats. These tips should help you ensure that your furry friend is happy, healthy, and well taken care of at all times.

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