When One Paycheck Isn’t Enough: Begin the Search for a Second Job

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A second job does not have to be a burden that drains you even as it supplements your income. Sometimes, it’s a necessity to help you get through the rough times and doesn’t have to be something that adds to your stress.

If you are a skilled worker or trained in something valuable to contractors and builders such as custom window blinds installation or a heavy machine operating license, then you can easily find part-time or weekend work in these fields.

On the other hand, if you want something different from your regular job or to find a way to make more money without being away from the home, then you will need to get creative with your job search.

Speak to Your Current Employer First

If you enjoy your current job and you know the management has the best interests of the employees at heart, then look within the company for your second job. There may be a job after hours in janitorial work, or even a simple data entry job available.

If you approach a sympathetic manager and explain your need to supplement your earnings, they may help you out. This will be a great help as you will not have to figure out how to drive elsewhere, manage your time between jobs, and are familiar with the people and the building.

Approach the Search Systematically

Once you have identified what you want to do, you will need to form a plan of action. Don’t just send out an application or two and hope to hear back. There is a recession coming and there will be hundreds if not thousands of applicants for the same jobs you want soon.

Send out as many applications as you can manage. Follow up personally on those applications via phone call. There is a chance that you will get to speak to someone who will form a positive impression of you due to your diligence. This can go a long way towards getting you nearer to the job as people are more likely to hire the person than a faceless application.

Search Online

If you do not want a second job that takes you away from home more than you already are, then look for a job where you can telecommute. Many companies are now hiring part-time or freelance staff who can work from home.

There is a range of these jobs available, from being home tuition, data entry to software testing. You simply have to find the one that suits your abilities and time constraints.

Consider applying to and completing short training courses in fields such as creative writing and coding to make yourself more appealing to employers. You may even find that you enjoy your second job so much that you consider a full-time move to a new field.

Use the Available Platforms

There are numerous job platforms available and many of these are starting to diversify to help both job-seekers and employers to find the right fit. If you just want some spending money, then a website like Fiverr.com could help you find freelance jobs where you make money when you feel the need to top up your wallet.

If you are looking for something more long-term, then you can adjust your preferences in the job platforms to part-time or contract workers. It is easier for the right employers to find you if you specify that you prefer something in sales assistance or customer service.

Be Your Own Second Job

young boss

Do you have a hobby that you are proud of your work in? Do you enjoy gardening or cooking? Consider starting a small Etsy store to sell your goods or start an Instagram page to advertise your cooking. You could even offer small gardening solutions or landscape work via a Facebook page.

If you have the skill at these things to describe yourself as an amateur, then you can become a semi-professional and begin earning money through your hobbies. This allows you to maintain a flexible schedule and only take on the jobs that you know you have the time and capability to complete.

As this is a side hustle, you do not have to worry too much about business costs such as marketing and taxes. But, if you do earn a reasonable amount from it, then you will have to declare it on your taxes.

You never know, your side hustle could lead to you starting your very own business someday. Or it could be the beginning of a whole new career in a field you didn’t consider exploring before.

Even if all that happens is that you safely get through your financial rough patch, you will have learned something new and added to your resilience.

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