A New Chance in Life After a Hip Replacement Surgery

Surgeons in an operating room

Many people who have had an active lifestyle in the younger years and continue to do so even after they have retired or is nearing one are perceived to be healthy. However, when medical conditions like arthritis hit, mobility can be affected, which also affects one’s health and lifestyle.

There are medications to manage arthritis and help a person live normally. However, in cases where the pain is unbearable and arthritis has reached crucial areas like the hips, medical intervention will be necessary. A skilled hip doctor in Pleasant Grove or other locations will be able to provide hip replacement surgery needed to help a person regain mobility.

Hip replacement surgery

Many adults postpone hip replacement surgery until their retiring years thinking that it will limit their movements and change their lives altogether. However, a successful hip replacement surgery can give people a new chance in life.

The procedure is done through incisions. It can be traditional (one 8-10 inch cut along the side of the hip) or minimally invasive (two 2-5 inch cut in the same area). Once the hip is exposed, the ball portion of the joint is removed and is replaced with an artificial one. The artificial one is attached with a cement of special material, which allows the remaining bone to attach to the new joint.

The doctor then removes any damaged cartilage and attach the replacement socket to the hip bone. The new ball portion of the thighbone is attached to the new socket before moving the muscles to close the incision.

Life after hip replacement surgery

Patient recovering from hip surgeryLike other types of surgery, it will take time before you can bounce back and enjoy life. However, it is important to remember that living a normal life, or even a better one, is possible even after a hip replacement surgery.

Sure, there will be precautions to observe and do. For instance, going through other types of medically invasive treatment like dental works and other types of surgery must be done with caution. Taking antibiotics to make sure your artificial hip will not be infected should always be a priority. You should always inform your doctor that you have had hip surgery before taking any medications and going through procedures such as MRI.

Passing through metal detectors in the airport can also be an issue. These machines might be able to detect your new hip, so it is important to always bring your certification with you and inform authorities before entering.

The goal of having hip replacement surgery is to remove the pain caused by arthritis. That said, it’s just right to expect a pain-free life where you can walk and move freely. But other movements such as reclining, climbing up and down the stairs, or going through activities that will require you to exert effort from your legs and back, should be reduced especially during the recovery period.

Consult your doctor and see how having the procedure sooner, rather than later, can help you enjoy life better.

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