Boosting Your House’s Value Through Garden Design

Home garden landscaping

Your home is one of the biggest and most expensive investments you’ll make. Whether you plan to live there for the rest of your life or move to another place, you want to make sure that your house increases its value.

The general impression of home improvement is that the interior carries the most value. Remodelling the kitchen, improving the bathroom and other home makeovers are ways you can make the house attractive to homebuyers.

Another way to enhance your home is by improving the garden area. Based on a 2016 survey by AXA UK of 1,000 tenants living in Great Britain, 15 per cent indicated that gardens factor in their home-buying decisions. Another study by AXA UK also revealed that a well-kept garden can increase a house’s value by up to £2,000.

Improving your outside space helps maximise the potential value of your house.


Before carrying out extensive improvements, focus first on keeping the garden in excellent condition. Removing potential problems like weeds and tree stumps minimises the instances of pests and fungi in the garden and gives you a pristine garden that will impress potential buyers.

Removing weeds and mowing the lawn are some do-it-yourself maintenance activities you can implement on your garden. Other maintenance work requires an expert. For example, stump grinding and removal services – available in Guildford and other parts of the UK – require heavy equipment and expertise.

Flowers and Plants

Woman holding a pot with plantAdding flowers and plants not only smartens up the area, certain types of foliage also improve the air quality. There are also certain flowers and plants that deter certain insects. When deciding which foliage to populate your garden with, do research on what types you’re capable of maintaining regularly. For beginners, start with cacti or plants that require little upkeep.

Outdoor Entertainment Spaces

A garden is an extension of your living space, and it has to be inviting. Take advantage of the beauty of the area by adding outdoor furniture and making the garden an extra lounge, kitchen, dining room or whatever room you can think of.

Your outdoor space doesn’t need to be extravagant. If you want to keep it simple, add benches where people can nap, or a dining set with a parasol covering the table. If your budget permits, go all out and design your outdoor space based on your idea of the ideal entertainment area.

Outdoor Lights

Lights in your garden create an illusion of warmth in the area and serve as a cost-effective security feature. Add lamps at the back door or create a path littered with lights that lead up to the outdoor space. You can also consider installing solar landscape lighting for a more cost-effective method to add lighting to your garden.

Increasing the value of your home should not just be focussed on the interiors, as your outdoor space plays a part, too. Take the time to clear your garden of problem areas and spruce it up according to your needs. The result is a well-designed garden that adds value to your house and makes it attractive to potential buyers.

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