How Homeowner Associations Can Promote Healthy Living in the Community

jogging up the stairs

The current situation highlighted the importance of keeping a healthy body. While what we do and eat is a personal matter, it is still important to make an effort to promote a healthy way of living. This will benefit everyone and can greatly improve the lives of everyone living in the neighborhood.   For people heading neighborhoods and homeowners associations, you have the power to make this happen. Learn how you can make it happen.

Sponsor fitness groups

You can’t force everyone to start exercising more, but what you can do is make it accessible for people. Group fitness classes are a great way to do this. Studies find that people who take group workout classes have less stress than those who do it alone. When people don’t have to go too far and spend so much on exercise, they are more likely to attend if they can.

This is both a way to promote health as well as improve community relations. These classes are as much a social activity as it is a healthy activity. Before and after classes, people in the community can talk and get to know each other. It also makes your neighborhood more attractive to potential house buyers.

There are a lot of different classes you can do for the community. All you need to do is find someone to lead the group. Preferably, you should find a licensed instructor or someone with a personal trainer registration to facilitate the activity because it means they actually know what they are doing. They will be able to teach proper form that can prevent injury.

Provide health courses

Another thing that people as a whole need more is education on healthy eating. Statistics show that 75 percent of Americans say that they have good diets, but the science shows otherwise. This signals that there is a lot of misinformation about healthy eating out there.

Someone who is part of leading the homeowners association can help fix this by conducting weekly seminars regarding food and other aspects of health. It has to be done by a professional to avoid spreading false diets and fad food items. People can be easily misled by an ad saying that these drinks can make you lose weight in weeks despite no concrete evidence directly explaining it.

Start a volunteer group

If your goal is to get more people involved in taking care of the environment, then starting a volunteer group is the best way to do it. It gives people a simple and easy opportunity for people to help out in their community. Also, this is also advantageous for people living there because they directly see their efforts.

A few examples that you can do are tree planting and community cleaning. For neighborhoods with local parks or other attractions, they can help regularly clean out the area. The more effort they put in, the more the parks get attention. This can have a positive impact on not just the environment but also the local businesses as well.

woman stretching with her daughter

Provide options

Around 18 percent of Americans say that they lack access to high-quality, healthy food options. What’s worse is that lower health options usually mean more fastfood restaurants in the area. If healthier alternatives are harder to find, then it naturally follows that people will deviate from their unhealthy counterparts. So, as community leaders, it is your job to help give them more variety.

Part of your job is to promote more businesses that give healthy options to people. You will need to work alongside local government and organizations to make sure it happens. They should represent the voice of the community, and their say often plays a role in creating change. A lot of times, the kind of businesses that enter the neighborhood can also be controlled by the homeowners association.

The important part of all this is to make it a voluntary activity. You shouldn’t force or pressure those that refuse to participate. This will only have the opposite effect and just make you look bad. Let everyone know that they are free to attend only if they wish to do so.

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