How Quality Concrete Can Aid in Preventing Tragedies

Concrete floor

Every year, there are hundreds of recorded earthquakes, some of which are too weak to be felt. However, the other earthquakes, while not deadly, may cause injury if one is stuck in a poorly built structure in Utah or another area. That is where foundations, bases, and concrete coating step in. These are factors that keep us safe in the event of earthquakes, whether they are big or small.

Since earthquakes are often hard to predict (or virtually unpredictable), it is advisable to shock-proof the entire home, from base to the roof. The skeleton of the house must be sturdy enough to carry twice the weight of what it is supporting. That means that you are going to need a lot of concrete. Not just any concrete, mind you. It has to be quality concrete.

Also, here are things to consider when skimping on construction materials, particularly concrete:

Don’t Get Shaken Up

You undergo yearly earthquake drills in your office while your children practice “duck and cover” during their drills in school. But what use is ducking and covering if the second floor can fall on you, crushing and injuring you severely with its tremendous weight? You need something that will hold you up, and that is a good concrete base of the sturdiest qualities and most reliable components. You should leave any building in the event of an earthquake to avoid being harmed by its aftershocks. But you should be able to survive long enough to make that choice instead of being unable to move due to the wrong decision of picking the cheapest type of concrete for your building’s upper floors.

Avoid Slips

Concrete buildingWhile it is important to consider what is on the top, you must also take care of what lies underneath your feet — the ground. Concrete coating can smoothen rough floors. They are also sturdy and shock-proof and look aesthetic when polished. However, you should consider the bane of everybody who has smoothened their concrete floors: the added risk of slipping. Concrete can be slippery, even if you are careful. You need to find the right materials, patterns, and foundations that would prevent slippage, give traction, and provide a comfortable walking experience for everyday life. Slippage can be particularly dangerous for the elderly and children, so you must keep them in mind when considering the construction of the house. Just because something is safe and secure for you doesn’t mean it can’t inconvenience others.

The construction of a house always takes time, money, and thought. But you gain something when you lose something. The trick is finding which things you can let go of for a more comfortable and more convenient process of building a structure. You should invest in safety more than anything else. Any gamble that risks the life of any person in the family is not worth it. Make the right decisions and take extra precautions. Watch out for anything that might shake your ordinary family life to the core, including natural disasters like earthquakes.

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