The Truth About Hard Water and Feeling Squeaky Clean

Woman wearing a bathrobe

While the idea of your skin (or even your dishes and tiles) being squeaky clean sounds good, it is actually far from the truth. The squeaky feeling on your skin, for the most part, is due to washing and rinsing off using hard water. Doing so leaves some scum residue that can make your skin feel rough and your hair dull and lifeless.

Squeaky Clean but Dry and Rough

What you should know is that squeaky feeling after a bath or shower comes from the soap that hard water was not able to rinse off or wash away. The invisible soap scum sticks to your skin, which then translates to squeaky feeling. This can clog your pores and make your skin feel overly dry and itchy. It can also weigh your hair down and make it feel sticky, greasy, and brittle.

Even though the term squeaky cleans means completely clean, your skin shouldn’t feel like this after a shower. Just imagine the scummy stuff that sticks to your tub (forming a bathtub ring) or the mineral deposits or stains on your shower door. The same thing adheres to your skin, resulting in irritated and flaky skin, as well as unhealthy hair.

Softening Your Water

Woman taking a bathThe opposite can happen if you decide to install a water softener. In fact, those who made the switch noticed that their hair and skin feel a bit different after bathing or showering. Most report a slippery feeling or skin that feels smooth and silky. This is mainly because there is no invisible scum on your skin that can cause some friction, leading to an itchy and scratchy feeling.

Gleaning from makers of water softener in Bountiful, the slippery feeling might be new to you, especially if you’re used to showering with hard water. You might also feel like you cannot wash away all the soap on your skin, but the truth is that it leaves your body cleaner. Most bathing products also lather well in soft water, which makes rinsing a lot easier.

Less Soap and a Bucket Full of Benefits

If you switch to soft water and continue showering with the same amount of soap or shampoo that you used when you had hard water, you might notice that is there much more to rinse off. This is because the detergent properties in those products work a lot better in soft water. This only means that you can use smaller amounts of soap and achieve your desired cleaning effect.

The same thing also goes when washing clothes. Even if you use less detergent, your clothes, towels, and linen will feel cleaner and come out softer. Using soft water can also preserve the colors of your clothing and even prolong their life. Your plates and glassware, furthermore, will come out cleaner and shinier, with no spots or cloudy appearance.

Other benefits of installing a water softener include:

  • No more mineral buildup that can clog the pipes
  • No unsightly marks on faucets and water fixtures
  • Makes cleaning easier with reduced soap curd
  • Preserves and protects the life of appliances
  • Helps you save money on energy use and appliance repair

If you want that cleaner and hydrated feeling after showering, consider a water softener. Your skin and hair will thank you for it.

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