Turning Your Home into an Instagram Haven

Instagram log in page on phone

Restaurants, cafes, parks, retail shops, and hotels. They all want to attract people. It’s not hard to do when businesses know just what customers want, and these days, customers want Instagrammable spots. A good, inviting location might be the reason people travel. They want those coveted shots in their own feed, turning them from the one feeling envy to the one being envied.

But do you really need to leave home just to have an enviable feed? Turn your home into an Instagram wonderland with these tricks:

Use Props for Close-up Shots

Some of the most recurring themes on social media are easy to replicate at home because they don’t require that you take shots of the full room. A meal, a makeup kit, a work desk — all of these can be shot at home if you have the right tools. And these tools are not expensive, either.

You can easily buy faux fur props that will make flat lays look posh, and a white chalk marker can further customize the detailing on your cards and notes. Even oversized mugs with fun prints have an inexpensive price tag, and you can brew your own tea without the markup added by coffee shops.

Tidy up

When you go to a commercial establishment, you expect the best service. It’s one of the reasons you feel good because you don’t have to worry about anything. It’s that feeling of being pampered that makes you want to go back.

But why do you have to leave home, the place where you should relax at the end of the day, just to feel pampered? Bridge the gap between home and the positive feelings you associate with commercial establishments by tidying up so that you will not feel anxious surrounded by clutter and you will not be ashamed to invite friends over to hang out.

Be Happy

Anyone can take pictures of their worldly possessions and call it a day. That’s not what makes a feed real, though. Your Instagram feed will be even better if there is action involved in your posts. Your selfies and #ootd hashtag can get compulsory likes, but your goal is not to live a static but picture-perfect life.

You’re at home. Involve your family in the photos. Have fun with them first, take pictures last. Your feed looks beautiful but on top of that, you will feel happy in real life. Candid photos, though not as polished as your heavily staged setups, show emotions and love. It’s something you can’t manufacture since it happens naturally, and you should be glad to capture that moment and share it.

Live with Gratitude

Taking a photo of food

You don’t need to fake a lifestyle that you can’t afford. That’s why you should not spend too much on commercial establishments just for a couple of hours of feeling like a valued customer. You’re better off using your money to improve your home and appreciate what you have.

Invest in yourself and in bettering your life. You can take pictures of anything, even your simplest wardrobe, and they will still look good on your Instagram feed if you’re genuinely proud of them.

It’s time to be wise about your spending. If you’re spending just for the sake of having a beautiful Instagram feed, it’s time to make a change.

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